TIL Today I Learned...

Forward Declaration and Private Implementation in C++

Posted on December 11, 2012

Well… I catually learned this a long time ago, but nevertheless.

Includes in C/C++ are extremely inefficient. It’s not uncommon to find a system where a single change to a header file file would cause 10 minutes recompilation. I used to suffer from this a lot. I could count the number of times my code had compiled (or not) in a day by the number of tea/coffee cups consumed plus the number of articles read.

There’s been a lot of discussion on C++ modules recently. These slides by Doug Gregor explain what’s happening under the hood, why C++ compilation tends to be so slow, and how C++ modules can help. The bottom line is that compiling even a single source file might take a while.

Hello World

Posted on December 10, 2012

The time has come for me to venture into the blogging business. Every day I deal with various software related conecpts, ideas, and problems. I learn from these interactions a lot. What bothers me is that now, after 6 years of professional software development I realize that I don’t really remmber what I’ve been working on in the past years. There are lots of grey areas even if I sit down and revisit some of my past code. In other words the retention isn’t that great.

In this blog I’m going to regularly write on the aforementioned topics. And I hope that I will get better idea about them after formalizing my findings in writing.

For this purpose I set up this blog. It was a challenge of its own to make a platform choice. Nowardays there is a ton of different hosted blogging platforms - Wordpress, Blogger, Tubmblr to name a few. But I happened to stumble upon GiHub:Pages and Jekyll. This neat combo currently drives my blog.

Jekyll is a blow aware static site generator. It runs on a bunch of templated files and outputs static HTML which can be hosted virtually anywhere, and on GitHub:Pages in particular. GitHub:Pages will run Jekyll begind the scenes, and serve the generated site. My job was to set up all the templates and configuration. There is a few prebuilt solutions available for this purpose - Jekyll-Bootstrap or Octopress, but I wanted to go throught this process myself, and build it from scratch. Of course my implementation doesn’t have too many features, but it’s mine :)

In a few words - Jekyll grabs HTML, Markdown, or Textile files, passes them through the specified template and outputs a plain HTML file. The beauty of this approach is that I can write posts in my favorite editor - Vim and just push them to my GitHub repo. GitHub:Pages will then call Jekyll on the collection of files, regenerate the site and promptly publish it.

Such a blog is blazing fast, the hosting is free, and the amount of control over the content and markup is just incredible. And Twitter Bootstrap has everything a wannabe gloggers needs to create pretty posts.

The source code for this blog rests here

Hope that wasn’t too bad for the first time :)

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