TIL Today I Learned...

Forward Declaration and Private Implementation in C++

Posted on December 11, 2012

Well… I catually learned this a long time ago, but nevertheless.

Includes in C/C++ are extremely inefficient. It’s not uncommon to find a system where a single change to a header file file would cause 10 minutes recompilation. I used to suffer from this a lot. I could count the number of times my code had compiled (or not) in a day by the number of tea/coffee cups consumed plus the number of articles read.

There’s been a lot of discussion on C++ modules recently. These slides by Doug Gregor explain what’s happening under the hood, why C++ compilation tends to be so slow, and how C++ modules can help. The bottom line is that compiling even a single source file might take a while.

What’s the big deal?

In a typical coding routine one might make a few changes to a single file and then check if the software still compiles. Changing a .cpp implementation file won’t take much time to recompile. But things get worse if a .h header is changed. In this case all the implementation files that directly or indirectly include the header in question will require a round of recompilation (three.h might include two.h indirectly including one.h). A small change might result in recompiling hundreds of files. And most of these files wouldn’t use anything from the modified header.
Time to get another coffee, read an article, or engage in a sword fight with your colleague.

While it’s hard to make GCC compile stuff faster, there are a few things that can be done to optimize the compilation, namely:

Avoid including headers (Forward Declaration)

Consider the following code:

 1 /* one.h */
 2 class One { 
 3     public:
 4         int square(int x);
 5     ... 
 6 };
 8 /* one.cpp */
 9 #include "one.h"
10 int One::square(int x) { 
11     return x * x; 
12 }
 1 /* two.h */
 2 #include "one.h"
 3 class Two {
 4     public:
 5         Two(One *one);
 6         int squareUsingOne(int x);
 7     ...
 8     private:
 9         One *m_One;
10 };
12 /* two.cpp */
13 #include "two.h"
14 Two::Two(One *one) : m_One(one) { }
16 int Two::squareUsingOne(int x) { 
17     return m_One->square(x); 
18 }

In this example changing the header one.h would cause recompilation of all the source files that directly or indirectly include both one.h and two.h. If two.h is an important header and has lots of dependents then all this sub tree will require a round of recompilation.

But there is no need to include one.h from two.h because the definition of class Two doesn’t need to know anything about the definition of class One. It’s enough to know that the constructor argument One *one is a pointer to an instance of a class… some class defined later on. Thus we can forward declare class One and move #include one.h into the the implementation file two.cpp:

 1 /* two.h */
 2 class One;
 3 class Two {
 4     public:
 5         Two(One *one);
 6         int squareUsingOne(int x);
 7     ...
 8     private:
 9         One *m_One;
10 };
1 /* two.cpp */
2 #include "two.h"
3 #include "one.h"
4 Two::Two(One *one) : m_One(one) { }
6 int Two::squareUsingOne(int x) { 
7     return m_One->square(x); 
8 }

In this setup we avoid recompilation of all the dependents of two.h, which may or may not be a lot of CPU cycles. If it’s not a lot of work - then good for you, your code base is probably well decoupled.
But quite often this simple technique will save you a lot of time.

Avoid changing headers (Private Implementation)

Lets consider a similar but slightly different case:

 1 /* one.h */
 2 class One { 
 3     public:
 4         int square(int x);
 5     ... 
 6 };
 8 /* one.cpp */
 9 #include "one.h"
10 int One::square(int x) { 
11     return x * x; 
12 }
 1 /* two.h */
 2 #include "one.h"
 3 class Two {
 4     public:
 5         int squareUsingOne(int x);
 6     ...
 7     private:
 8         One m_One;
 9 };
11 /* two.cpp */
12 #include "two.h"
13 int Two::squareUsingOne(int x) { 
14     return m_One.square(x); 
15 }

In this case class One is an instance member of class Two. Here the compiler has to know the definition of class Two in order to include an instance as a member of class One. Thus two.h has to include one.h

Unless all the private business of class Two is hid using the Private Implementation pattern! Lets reorganize two.h and two.cpp a little bit:

 1 /* two.h */
 2 class TwoPrivate;
 4 class Two {
 5     public:
 6         Two();
 7         ~Two();
 9         int squareUsingOne(int x);
10     ...
11     private:
12         Two(const Two &two);
13         Two &operator=(const Two &two);
14         TwoPrivate *d;
15 };
 1 /* two.cpp */
 2 #include "two.h"
 3 #include "one.h"
 4 class TwoPrivate {
 5     public:
 6         TwoPrivate(Two *owner) 
 7             : m_Owner(onwer) {}
 8         ~TwoPrivate() {}
10         One m_One;
11     private:
12         Two *m_Owner;
13 };
15 Two::Two() { d = new TwoPrivate(this); }
16 Two::~Two() { delete d; }
18 int Two::squareUsingOne(int x) { 
19     return d->m_One.square(x); 
20 }

What happened here? A few things.

  • class Two doesn’t have class One as an instance member anymore,
  • class Two now has a pointer member to class TwoPrivate. It’s forward declared because we only deal with a pointer,
  • class Two has disabled copy constructor and assignment operator in order to avoid memory leaks and double deletion.
  • class TwoPrivate is instantiated and destroyed along with class Two and is accessible via the TwoPrivate *d pointer,
  • class One is now an instance member of class TwoPrivate, accessible in class Two members via d->m_One,
  • Consequently the troubling #include "one.h" has been moved from the header two.h to the implementation two.cpp slashing a branch of the inclusion tree.

There are quite a few benefits from using this pattern. To name a few

  • The implementation of the class that uses private implementation doesn’t affect the interface at all! Members and methods can now be added and removed, and only the .cpp implementation file will require recompilation,
  • The header is now much cleaner - without all the private litter,
  • It’s easier to maintain binary compatibility. If you work on a dll that’s called by third party application, then one can safely change the implementation, add/remove private members and methods, and have an interface that’s compatible with previous versions.

There some drawback as well

  • There is a slight increase in memory allocation - from 12 bytes per object depending on the platform.
  • Everything that belongs to the Private Implementation will be allocated on the heap. Heap allocation is usually much more expensive than stack allocation. Frequent and long lasting heap allocations often lead to dramatic memory framentation further decreasing performance.
  • There is additional pointer indirection every time Private Implementation member or method is accessed.

Private Implementation alone is an extended topic. The solution in this article has many flaws, but it’s probably the simplest implementation possible that gives more or less clear idea of the concept. Proper solution that is at the same time correct, consice, and elegant probably just doesn’t exist. There is Loki Pimpl class that’s takes care of all the edge cases. It’s really a matter of taste and preference. Use the correct but complex code or the simple but flawed in some way? Use Private Implementation or not to use it at all?


Forward Declaration and Private Implementation can significantly reduce header dependencies within a C++ project, save a lot of CPU cycles avoiding unnecessary recompilation, and make your code a lot cleaner.

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